Monday, May 2, 2011

Mr IMBA Australia

Mr IMBA Australia; A chat with Nic Bowman.

I recently caught up with Nic to have a bit of a chat about a few things pertaining to
South Australian trails, so also took the opportunity to ask a few questions of him – as
a mountain biker, as well as Mr IMBA Australia.

So, how did the MTB thing all start for you?
BMX…I used to ride that around the city, then in the late 80’s, Dad got an MTB that
we could share. It was one of those old big 20 inch frame things. So started out trying
some fireroads on that, then also had a bit of time on a roadie, but all my mates were
then MTBing. Used to just ride to the top of the range, then bomb back down the most
interesting way we could find. I reckon my first MTB was bought around ‘94

And how did this lead to trail building?
We used to do lots of bushwalking with Dad as kids, so wanted an outdoors job really,
so I studied Enviromental Science with the intention of becoming a Park Ranger,
specialising in Sustainable Trails. This was around the same time as MTB was really
becoming a passion for me, so I had a final year project that involved a MTB trail
system in one of NSWs parks. Then, I was advocating independently for bike access
for a while, until the Bicycle SA (BSA) job came up to establish the SA State MTB
Plan. I missed out on the job, but assisted Rod Worthington during the planning
process and then implementation. In 2002, I took over at BSA as the MTB Project
Officer. It was all somewhat unique that I came from a management perspective and
then learnt to love building, rather than the other way around, which seems more

What was you first trail building experience?
Again, strange as it was legal! I think it was at Prospect Hill, with Adelaide Mountain
Bike Club (AMBC), where I got to put theory into practise. My first designed and
built trails were out at Fox (Fox Creek AKA Cuddlee Creek); “Outcrops” and
“Immaculate Compaction” (which some locals also call “Natives”)

Do you have a favourite trail building tool?
The pick-mattock – a very versatile tool.

What is you favourite trail to ride – locally, nationally, internationally?
Umm… so hard… Blue Gums at Eagle MTB Park, locally. I didn’t build it, either! I
only marked out the initial line, then others interpreted that, which is interesting. It
has a bit of everything… Steep Track (at Fox Creek) as the armouring is so good from
a build perspective and a fun trail, too.
Glen (Jacobs)’s new trail, “Stonefly”, at Mt Buller is awesome and could be
Australia’s first IMBA Epic trail. The Klinsporn is amazing too; old but benched in,
techy little rock gardens and a long, long descent. Forrest lives up to the hype, WA
has some totally unique stuff… Victoria in general has a lot of good quality trail.
Fruita, Moab obviously and I was impressed with the stuff around Park City, Utah.
But I’ve still yet to get to Whistler, the European Alps, the UK… So much still to

Which trail project are you most proud of so far? Why?
Definitely Fox Creek – so far! Mitcham was an interesting mix of frustration and
success being the first local council in Adelaide to get behind MTB.

What’s been the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome so far? Still to surmount?
Not sure… Good question! Moving NSW Parks forward in terms of developing MTB
access policy and seeing the release of the discussion paper is a big deal – it
potentially affects so many riders. Generally assisting the hard work of all the great
local advocates in moving that NSW access forward… though it could still take
another 5 years of work if SA is anything to go by!

IMBA Australia is unique in that the funding so far has come from MTBA – a racing
body. Has this affected or influenced what you do and how you do it?
It does present challenges in that the board I answer to are from a racing background
unlike in Canada, the US, Europe… Their purpose is to allow for a consistent
standard of racing; maintain organisational standards for racing nationwide; provide
the necessary insurance for Australian MTBers to participate in such racing and,
ultimately, provide pathways to the elite level of the sport. Helping local clubs
manage access to, and potentially create, venues that can be used for racing – well, at
that level, it is easy enough to understand the need for IMBAA and so it isn’t so
diametrically opposed to the board’s racing focus. It’s still an evolving relationship,
especially as the board changes with elections, but overall it’s working well. Once
IMBAA has been around longer and is more self-sufficient, that will help, too.

You’ve attended a few IMBA World Summits now – what has been the biggest or
most important thing you’ve learnt from them?
I guess seeing the models from Utah where land developers have to include trails in
their new sub-divisions. It’s been shown over in the US that being close to trails in
this way has actually proved desirable and increases land value, rather than
depreciating it. Retirees are moving to be closer to trails, not golf courses! Hopefully,
well, eventually, that will happen in Australia, too.

Are there any particular trail builders or advocates that you admire or are inspired by?
Glen Jacobs, Daffyd Davies, Joey Klein. All different approaches and all different
trails, but all have achieved so much.
Glen is so creative, quite the visionary in terms of the actual trail in the dirt and just a
very likeable guy too.
Daffyd is a mastermind, especially at the high strategic level - his vision at that level.
(Note; Daffyd is the man responsible for the forestry trail centre model developed in Wales, and now used across the UK - and the world - to varying extents. He was initially offered the IMBA Australia role that Nic now holds, but was unable to accept due to family constraints.)
Joey is just inspiring. He sells mountain biking better than anyone. He has the ability
to turn a boardroom full of hostile folks into a group of passionate MTB advocates –
it’s what happened at Mitcham Council! He’s been on the road for 12 years for
IMBA, yet still stays positive.

Which trail project do you wish you’d been involved with but weren’t or haven’t
Stromlo! I went with Trail Solutions for the initial inspection and trail consultation,
but ultimately Glen Jacobs and his crew at World Trail beat us to the contract.
Otherwise, I would’ve happily moved to Canberra for a while and who knows where
that would’ve led.

What is exciting you the most at present – ski resorts, parks access, trail centre type
experiences, urban trails, etc.?
Australia is doing ok with the trail centre model; we are way above the US for
example on that front, but are so far behind on the shared use trails. Park restrictions
are a huge thing here – it’s crazy! Telling people – particularly younger riders – that
we can’t share, nor go into a park because we ride a bike, has to be looked at and
resolved. So, although frustrating at times, the potential that is involved in opening up
that type of access and what it’ll mean; that’s exciting.

You see a lot of projects around the country – do you think any one state or region is
leading the charge or moving ahead in terms of trail development?
WA – on policy, trail standards and volunteer involvement, they are way in front and
it’s reflected in the trails being built over there. Having said that, Victoria has an
extensive amount of accessible, quality trail, which is hard to beat. Tassie has a solid
base and is tying it together with the tourist trade well which will help drive the
progress forward. SA could jump to the front of the pack though if they can finally
sort out parks access – but it’s been 10 years of negotiations already. If they did, then
they’d have parks, forestry, local council, and State Government supported trails.
That’s what IMBAA is aiming for in all states and territories.

Lots of places and people seem to be into pumptracks at present – what do you think
will be the next big thing in trail design or particular features?
Hans Rey came up with the terminology, but I feel it’s what Glen Jacobs has been
building it for a while; Flow Country. That’s an IMBA trademark, by the way! Flow
trails are what we’re pushing for, wherever terrain allows. They are just so fun to ride.
The harder you push and faster you go, the more fun they become.

A lot of media attention goes to New Zealand, especially in the Northern Hemisphere,
why do you think Australia doesn’t get as much? Is our trail infrastructure that far
The trails? No. The rest of the package? Yes. Bar for Noosa, Cairns, Far North
Queensland, hospitality and tourism is a fairly small piece of the economic pie - we
are still a nation based on primary industries and mining – compared to New Zealand.
They tie it in to the other adventure sports and eco-tourism much better than we do.
The little things like clear signage, quality trail maps, bike washes, bike friendly
accommodation… we need to up that side of things, then package it up and sell it.
International flights direct to Rotorua help NZ, too. Maybe if Cairns or Canberra get
direct international flights it will change.

Where do you think will be the next “must ride” area in Australia? We’ve seen
Forrest, Melrose, Margaret River all make plays for the title of “#1 MTB destination
in Australia” to some greater or lesser extent, where else is going to vie for that?
Mt Buller is putting big money forward to be the Whistler of Australia. There is a
green DH trail planned to go in, which is unique and will be a great addition to the
other trails World Trail has built over the last few years.
Mt Joyce Recreation Park (venue of the 2011 Marathon Nationals) is going to have a
$1million trail network and will also incorporate horse riding, kayaking, something
for everyone.
Atherton Tablelands near Cairns has a plan for a four day loop… and each node or
stopover point will be a trail centre in its own right.

What is the biggest thing your average MTBer can do to really push and get trails on
the ground; essentially, how can we help IMBAA to help us?
To contribute – be it time or money. Time to dig or advocate locally is a huge one –
IMBAA can’t fight every battle, but can support local work as much as possible. If
you can’t donate time, a few dollars to IMBAA so that we can is the next best option.
When the website re-launches there will be an option to do this.
Getting organised is a big thing too; IMBAA has started to help as a focal point, but
we need to increase our organisational standing as a complete community. CORC is
an anomaly in this respect, but given the folks in Canberra are surrounded by so much
government, there are those organisational skills in large volumes which can be
harnessed. Time is perhaps somewhat more available too, due to the regimented
working hours that go along with those government jobs, compared to those in more
regional areas and their associated industries. However, the amount and quality of
trails around the Canberra area stand testament to what highly organised use of time
and resources can achieve.
I guess also, stop whinging! (NOTE: Although said with a smile, Nic is also serious,
and, I feel, warranted, in saying this!
) Use that time to actively help instead! There are
too many threads of complaint on Rotorburn and not enough folks out shovelling dirt
to get things right. Just look at the stuff about Lysterfield - which is a big IMBAA
project at present – and the number of riders vs. the number of people out helping.

Anything else you’d like to pass on?
The glass is only half full – we have lots of exciting possibilities ahead, but they do
take work to achieve them, so don’t give up. “Relentless optimism” is needed.

Also, IMBAA, MTBA and Mountain Biking in general need to go “mainstream” to
really grow. We can make it to TV adverts jumping over cars, and currently lay claim
to 3 World Champions, yet can’t get a 2 minute segment of Worlds, hosted here in
Aus, on Sports Tonight or a similar mainstream media outlet? If we can’t change that
in the next couple of years we will have missed a huge opportunity on all fronts –
from athletes earning a living to legitimising the need for trails in parks. Once upon a
time, skateboarding was banned everywhere, nowadays every local council has a
skate park. That’s the kind of mainstream I mean and we need to work towards
achieving for MTB so that we can grow and sustain an industry.

I also really want to see the bike brands get behind trails and support the development
and growth; there is no need for mountain bikes if we have nowhere to ride them, no
races without trails, so I want to get the brands, importers and distributors working
with us and to get involved more with trail access for every rider; it’s a huge part of
the IMBA model overseas and I hope to work with the brands to grow that here, too.
It’s a longer lasting benefit than a new set of tyres if you are talented enough to make
the podium, so it provides more for them in return, too.

Ok, to finish, some rapid fire questions!
Rock or Wood?
Definitely rock.

Fast and Flowy or Tight and Techy?
As there isn’t enough, tight and techy.

Down, down, down, or up, across and around?
…I’ll say up, across and around.

Flats or SPDs?
Full suspension or fully rigid?
If I can afford it, suspension.

Chairlifts, a shuttle or hike-a-bike?
I’m not really up for pushing, so lifts or shuttles.

Pumptrack or Dirtjumps?
Definitely pumptrack.

Lycra or Baggies?
These days, baggies.

Legal or cheeky?
Ha! Legal.

Walkers or horseriders?
Horseriders; more of a cowboy style, give-it-a-go type attitude. Unfortunately, a lot of
walkers I have to deal with come across a bit snobby…

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